Dr. Mamalakis Honored at Major Publishing Event in Athens

En Plo Publishing, the largest Christian book publisher in Greece, held a one-day event celebrating the publication of the Greek translation of Parenting Toward the Kingdom (Ancient Faith, 2016) by Dr. Philip Mamalakis, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care at Holy Cross. The event was part of the seventh Annual Exhibition of Orthodox Christian Books, held November 2-5 in Athens, Greece.
The day included a presentation by Dr. Mamalakis and six talks by internationally recognized Greek theologians, therapists, and clergy highlighting aspects of Dr. Mamalakis’ work and recognizing its significance for the Orthodox Church. George Bilialis, co-founder of En Plo, said, “This exhibition, and in particular the one-day event, exceeded all our expectations. Hundreds of young people, couples, professionals, teachers, and clergy attended to hear about the work of Dr. Mamalakis.” Vasilis Argiriadis, Managing Editor of En Plo, added, “We are delighted to see the faculty of Holy Cross publish works that are directed at the contemporary life of Orthodox. This book has been extremely popular and we anxiously await Dr. Mamalakis’ next publication. These are the publications that our people are looking to read and that we are interested in translating and publishing.”
The English edition of Parenting Toward the Kingdom is available from Holy Cross Bookstore (www.holycrossbookstore.com or 800-245-0599).